I guess that I am a little strange. Winter is my favorite time to visit the beach. The air is crisp. The sun feels good. The birds announce your arrival. The walking is easy because there's hardly anyone else out. Prevailing northerlies keep the tide at bay, exposing the flats for close examination. UV protection is required usually only for the eyes, face, and hands, except on warm days, when you might find yourself in shorts and a T-shirt, just like spring.
Biloxi Bacon - There is no official record of any Federal troops landing at or near present-day Long Beach during the Civil War. Troops did come ashore, however, along the Coast from time to time, but only to raid the post office for newspapers to find out how the war was progressing in other parts of the country. Since no food could be brought in, settlers had to use what was on hand. The waters of the Gulf had before supplied food for the Indians and the French. Once again they furnished a bounty of mullet, flounder, trout and other fish and shellfish, thus preventing starvation of many of the settlers. The term Biloxi Bacon originated at that time, since the mullet caught in cast nets largely supplied the meat or "bacon" for residents of Biloxi as well as other settlers along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. (from Rosalie and Radishes) |
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